Vocal Cord Polyps

Vocal Cord Polyps at MEDVOYAGER

At MEDVOYAGER, we specialize in diagnosing and treating vocal cord polyps, and benign growths on the vocal cords that can affect your voice and overall vocal health. Our experienced ENT specialists use advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques to effectively manage and remove vocal cord polyps, helping you regain normal voice function and quality.

Understanding Vocal Cord Polyps]

Vocal cord polyps are soft, noncancerous growths that develop on one or both of the vocal cords. They are often caused by vocal abuse, such as excessive talking, shouting, or singing, and can also result from other factors like smoking, allergies, or respiratory infections. Polyps can vary in size and may appear as a swelling, bump, or blister-like lesion.

Symptoms of Vocal Cord Polyps